Stream Marker


Stream markers provide a way to save a user's spot in a stream of posts or messages; a lightweight way to sync between clients, or pick up where you left off without otherwise saving it.

These are special pagination values for since_id and before_id that you must use on markable streams to actually read from its marker:

  • last_read: the current last_read_id of the stream's marker
  • last_read_inclusive
  • marker: the current id of the stream's marker
  • marker_inclusive

Current markable streams/names:

On creation of posts and messages, you can automatically update the "personal" and "channel" markers to the created ID by including update_marker=1 in the query string.

POST /markers

Token: user

Scope: any

Post a list of marker objects. You may update up to 10 at once.

For a channel to be marked "read", the marker id must be at or greater than the current most-recent message in it.

URL Parameters

Name Description
reset_read_id id indicates the current position of the marker. last_read_id indicates the last item in the stream that has ever been consumed by the marker. To move that in reverse, this must be set True

POST Body Data

Name Description
id Required The ID of the object in the stream you want to mark as having read most recently
name Required What marker to update for a user. E.g., the global stream is global, or a channel would be channel:{id}
percentage Can specify 1-100 percent of the current id has been read or positioned in a stream.
Example Call
curl "" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "X-Pretty-Json: 1" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d "[
    \"name\": \"channel:12\",
    \"id\": \"2593\"
    -X POST

Returns a list of the updated markers

    "meta": {
        "code": 200
    "data": [
            "id": "0",
            "last_read_id": "0",
            "percentage": 0,
            "updated_at": "ISO-8601",
            "version": "String",
            "name": "String"