File Lifecycle


For an explanation of how to attach files to other objects, read How To File.

POST /files

Token: user

Scope: files

Create a file placeholder or a complete file. By default, the file will be private.

If creating a file placeholder, it can be form data or a Content-Type of application/json.

If creating a complete file the Content-Type must be multipart/form-data, and the content key must be the file.

POST Body Data

Name Description
content Required (if uploading in a single step) Key of the uploaded file
type Required Reverse domain name-style identifier of the file type. E.g., Searchable
name 256-character name or description (to be displayed and attached to the object; a random key will actually be assigned for the filename). If not included, name of file uploaded will be used
kind One of: other, image (for JPEG, GIF, PNG), audio (for WAVE, MP3, FLAC. up to 52428800 bytes), video (for MP4, MOV, M4V, WEBM). If the file extension is known and kind=other, the file extension will override other appropriately.
is_public If true, file is public. Default false
sha256* API will check the file's SHA256 checksum against this, and return an error if they do not match
mime_type If the API cannot determine mime_type, it will use this
{name} + _image_thumb_200s Key for custom derived thumbnail, 200 by 200 pixels, resized and cropped. If not included, API will try to create one, for images.
{name} + _image_thumb_960r Key for custom derived thumbnail, within 640 width and 960 height. If an uploaded image has smaller proportions, one will not be created automatically.
process_image_exif* If uploading a JPEG image with EXIF, and this is set to 0, the API will not re-orient the image automatically.
raw Embedded raw values.
  • If the API automatically rotates an image, the returned sha256 will be different from the uploaded file.
curl "" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d "{
  \"name\":\"That Thing!\",
}" \
    -X POST \
    -H "X-Pretty-Json: 1"

Returns the created file details

    "meta": {
        "code": 201
    "data": {"...File Object..."}

PATCH /files/{file_id}

Token: user

Scope: files

Update a file's details.

If a file is ever made public, it could be accessed by others indefinitely using a previously-exposed file_token_read, or for a while after via the cache. To make a public file relatively secure again, delete it and upload it again as a new file.

POST Body Data

Name Description
name 256-character name or description (to be displayed and attached to the object)
is_public True or false
raw Embedded raw values. Not deleted unless explicitly set to empty values for each type.

URL Parameters

Name Description
file_id ID of the file to update
curl "" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d "{
  \"name\":\"butternut squash\"
}" \
    -X PUT \
    -H "X-Pretty-Json: 1"

Returns the updated file

    "meta": {
        "code": 200
    "data": {"...File Object..."}

PUT /files/{file_id}/content/{derived_key}

Token: user

Scope: files

Upload a new derivative file. You may only do this with an existing file placeholder (an incomplete file).

This is particularly useful if you want to include alternative versions of a file, such as different sizes of images, custom thumbnails instead of auto-generated thumbnails, or different music or video formats of a file.

URL Parameters

Name Description
file_id ID of the file placeholder to create a derivative file for
derived_key Multipart key to the file. Keys starting with core_ are reserved. core_image_200s and core_image_960r can be set, but have to be 200x200 pixels and within 640x960 respectively, and the same mime type as file_id.
curl "" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -H "X-Pretty-Json: 1"

Returns 204 on success


PUT /files/{file_id}/content

Token: user

Scope: files

Set a file placeholder's content. You may only do this with an incomplete file.

URL Parameters

Name Description
file_id ID of the file to set contents for
curl "" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -F "content=@somethingtoupload.jpg" \
    -X PUT

Returns 204 on success

DELETE /files/{file_id}

Token: user

Scope: files

Delete a file. This will not disassociate a file with any other objects (posts, messages...).

URL Parameters

Name Description
file_id ID of the file to delete
curl "" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "X-Pretty-Json: 1"

Returns the deactivated file

    "meta": {
        "code": 200
    "data": {"....File Object..."}

DELETE /files

Token: user

Scope: files

Delete a list of files. This will not disassociate a file from any other objects (posts, messages...).

Because deleting files can take some time, the API call will return the list of files confirmed for deletion, and an endpoint to check the status of the operation.

Look at the operation status endpoint for more info.

Query Parameters

Name Description
ids Comma-separated list of file IDs. Up to 200 at a time.
curl ",35,6426,18259,18242" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
    -X DELETE \
    -H "X-Pretty-Json: 1"

Returns a list of files to attempt to delete, and a status endpoint to check status.

    "meta": {
        "code": 202,
        "status_url": ""
    "data": [